
the stars speak



6 Years

08-24-2016, 11:50 AM (This post was last modified: 09-20-2016, 11:44 PM by Jaelle.)

The summer heat was unbearable for Jaelle, so much so that she had to tuck away her precious scarf for a little while. Her neck felt bare without the pressure of her scarf wrapped around her, she almost felt like she were naked somehow. It was unsettling, but it would have to be something that she had to get used to if the summer remained this hot. As she walked through the grass, her bells sang out a soft song. She spotted the herd of buffalo not too far off, and was careful to give the large creatures some room. At the sound of her bells, some raised their head and snorted at her, making her skirt up one of the hills. Now that was something she wanted to avoid, a stampede that large would be hard to get out of. Keeping her mismatched eyes on them, she hardly noticed that she had begun to make her way up a knoll that someone else was occupying. It took her several more heartbeats to look up and see the silver creature, taking a pause with one paw still raised in the air. Oh, well good thing she didn't just walk into the poor girl! Letting out a small laugh, she wagged her tail behind her, her strand of bells calling out with the movement.

Jaelle took a few more steps towards the other female, an easy smile on her maw. She was a rather plain looking creature, although she was no better. Clearing her throat to get the others attention, she glanced up to see what she was looking at. Ah, the sky? It was rather pretty, and with the setting sun the temperature was becoming more bearable. "Beautiful view, is it not?" she asked in a soft voice, sitting beside the stranger and looking up as well. Stars had begun to shine above them, coming out one by one. Saying nothing else, she waited for the other wolf to speak up first. Wouldn't want to scare her off so soon, it would be nice to have some new company for a little while. It had been a long time since she had spoken to another woman, there had been a lot of men in her life lately.


Unless otherwise stated, Giet (Goat the stoat) is always with Jaelle. He is grumpy and mean, and may not always say nice things.