
Revenge [Morgan]


06-17-2013, 11:43 PM

The vulture seemed hesitant, unsure of what to make of her. She could see the various emotions dance across the avian's face. She approached the psychotic creature and her adrenaline only doubled, crystalline blues darting back over to Morgan who, despite her ability to not show it, was more than likely in tremendous pain. It did not bring her joy, but rather satisfaction. Satisfaction that the woman felt a fraction of the pain that her betrayal had brought upon her. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. Her punishment was fair and just. Karma had come full circle, contentment coiled in the ivory woman's belly.

"Ezekiel..." His name was spoken softly, a hum a purr as he answered her question. Ivory tail would lash behind her, slicing the air without cause or purpose other than the simple fact of movement, she wanted the woman to understand how deeply her betrayal had rooted within her and now...she did. A smile would drift across her maw and laughter would fall from her lips as the bird screeched down at her, remaining low but well out of her range, the dame reclined to her haunches, eyes watching the bird closely before she shook her head, shaking the thoughts from her skull.

"And risk ending the traitors suffering? What better way than to die than in writhing agony? Her corpse will be yours soon enough." No smile would cover her maw, only raw determination.
