
Ma Lumi�re


06-17-2013, 11:47 PM

Mahniya trembled, her elongated tail curving between her hind limbs, instinctively she stepped back, her maw aligning with Gargoyle's hind limb as she dipped her head. The familiar posture came to her without her consent, it was habitual, when words or tensions rose high her mind locked down, such submission was the only roll she knew how to play and she felt the full weight of her punishments bare down upon her now. Gargoyle was a part of the royal family and she... she was a slave. She remembered that now and she remained utterly still and silent. She had done something vile, something horrendous by making such a claim with Rogue.

Their words barely registered in her scattered mind, both Gargoyle's monotone and Rogue's pleadings, she felt lower than she had in a long time, skittish, afraid, dirty. She truly wasn't worthy of any of the things Rogue had promised her, Slaves were whores, not wives. Slaves were weapons, tools to be utilized as one saw fit. They bore no soul, no free will, they stood as martyrs for the use of a greater cause, someone else's greater good. Crimson eyes slid shut and she forced herself to steel her expression. She stood before royalty, not another commoner, she was not an emotional wreck, she had long ago learned how to hide her own emotions.

She stepped forward, blood colored eyes sliding back open to gave at the four wolves that towered over her. "I'm sorry, my intention was never to cause any... trouble, I have no desire to be the source of discontent amongst your family." She paused here, considering her words for a moment, she didn't smile, her eyes did not sparkle, but her words were not disrespectful, merely devoid of anything save for the softness of respect. "I should have begged your permission first, I apologize for this breech of conduct, someone so important to Glaciem should have had a say before we acted impulsively, I am truly sorry."
