
Gotta raise a little hell

Mercy I


5 Years

08-25-2016, 04:14 PM

The tightrope that I'm walking just sways and ties

She had been this way and that, wandering aimlessly for awhile now. She still hadn't heard a thing from Gethin, or even caught a drift of his scent. Without thinking too much on it, she just assumed that he was done with her. How long had any of her relationships lasted? Even her brother, who had promised to be there for her no matter what, and then left without so much as a word. For as long as she could remember, Mercy had always been alone. Everything good that came her way was nothing but a taste of the sweet life; it was always fleeting and didn't last very long at all. The dame knew that she was fucked up, and it was probably most likely all on her head. She just wasn't worth sticking around for. Both her and Gethin had had a thing for sleeping around, so she just assumed that he went off to chase tail again. As for herself, well... she hadn't been with anyone since him. Of course, it wasn't for a lack of trying. Everyone she had run into either shot down her flirting, were far too young, or just... not interesting. It was a rather dull world out there, now that Imperium was gone. It was her purpose, her reason to get up and actually do something with her life. But now, now she was growing tired, looking for something to do. The days had started to blend together, and she couldn't even remember the last time she had seen the dark brute, or anyone that she cared about. How many times had the sun set since she had seen Revenge? Did he even care about her, at all? For him to just leave her like that... well it broke her heart. But of course she showed nothing of that, or the fact that once again, it was just her.

She had taken to wandering the knolls a bit, visiting her old spots and being haunted by memories. They flashed passed her now, but she couldn't focus on just one image. They scrolled quickly though her minds eye, distracting her enough that she didn't quite see where she was walking, or who she was walking closer to. Blinking, her purple eyes came into focus to see Gethin sitting on one of the hills, watching the buffalo before him. A range of emotions spiraled though her as she stared at him, unsure of what to say or feel. Was he just an illusion? No, there he was, as plain as day. Before her heart could settle on one, she reacted with the rawness of it all. "I would have assumed you were off with a new broad, not just sitting here staring at buffalo," she said, her voice cracking with pain and anger.

The devil, as he's talking, with those angel's eyes


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.