
Hole in the Wall



10 Years
Dragon Mod
08-25-2016, 04:58 PM (This post was last modified: 08-25-2016, 05:00 PM by Enigma.)

The sound of his brother's voice brought him to turn and glance at him, a smirk pulling up his lips as he returned his gaze to those before him. This boy must truly be a coward, and Enigma had no doubt he could put him in the dirt where he belonged. Xephyris and some bitch would arrive, and Enigma's maw twisted up as he stared coldly at the male. He merely chuckled at them all, the way they were trying to threaten him or get beneath his skin, but it all rolled off of him. "I guess our family is a lot more loyal to one another then his." He sneered, recalling the scent he'd detected of Riv's sister all over the Plains where he resided. Before he could say more, however, yet another boy approached. Pathetic.

He didn't say anything, however, but Cypress did. He listened, casting a glance at Forsaken as the hunger for revenge began to spark. The question falling from the man's lips was met with another grin as he raised to his full height. "That's not my call, it was my father's. But since he isn't here to call us off, then I suppose the answer So if anyone is to blame for the demise of your family, it's your dead wife."

His attention would turn to Riv then, and he would outright laugh at the boy's stupid words. "My family fell apart? No, quite the contrary. You, on the other hand well..." He snorted. He knew the boy's family was more then 'falling apart' and it was thanks to their stupid parents. He supposed to prove his point, he would have to find the boy's sister. "You sure talk alot instead of taking action, don't you? Just like your mother. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree now, does it?" Riv would then turn to leave, taking the bitch and the silver male with him. Enigma's eyes glittered coldly, malice apparent as he watched the interaction between the woman and Xephyris. Aahhh...a weak point. He would use that to his advantage later.

"Yes, run with your tail between your legs. Your mother would have done the same, all bark and no bite!" He laughed, returning his attention to Cypress then. "I will see you at the battlefield." He growled. Looking to Forsaken and ignoring Riv's brother, Enigma would turn around and head out to prepare.

-Exit Enigma-

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