
We're disposable teens

Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

08-25-2016, 05:03 PM

It made his fur bristle. Did she not know? How much he yearned for her, how much he wanted to do her well? Rivaxorus was inexperienced, he had not known love before and his physical being was brought together by her alone. His body turned, pivoted quickly with his hackles raised. Not out of aggression, but just like her it sparked his emotions. Did she feel unloved? Had he made that mistake - and for that he knew he couldn't say sorry. "You're everything to me!" he snapped. "I just never knew how to treat you because I've never loved anyone this much. I've never WANTED someone so bad Zephyra. My emotions and myself are totally messed up right now and I didn't want to admit it." His eyebrows furrowed. How could he show her in actions? Because he knew perfectly well how cheap words could be.

"I think you can live without me perfectly fine Zephyra.... but that's what's scares me. Because I've never been face with something like this before. I burn every second for you. If I'm upset my head automatically goes to you. How is Zephyra feeling, what is she doing. Is she okay? Am I worth her time? All these things constantly going through my head." he took a breath. As he tried to calm himself. He lowered his head, "The night that you were crying in the weeping woods - that's when I had decided that I would be the one. I want to be the one to warm your bed at night. It doesn't matter if we have a pack - I just want... you Zephyra." he looked at her.

"I promised myself that I would never lose what I loved again, and now I'm terrified. Absolutely terrified, that you hate me." he shifted there. Rivaxorus painfully sat himself down groaning at the pain. "I just wanted to do you right." h grimaced for a moment. He had to calm down.
