
Step Lightly


06-18-2013, 12:12 AM (This post was last modified: 07-07-2013, 02:12 AM by Yin.)

She couldn't trust anyone; she wouldn't trust anyone. There was no one on the face of the planet who wasn't her brother that she could trust. How could she? The whole lot of them were incompetent fools! Idiocy and stupidity ran rampant in the world and Yin was fed up with it. How could there not be any respectable wolves like her brother Yang? He was so level-headed, so calm, always thinking through things and rationalizing situations. She was the complete opposite of her brother; angry, irrational, a hot head, quick to anger and extremely impulsive. There wasn't anyone that could control her fiery temper, except for her brother of course. She wasn't sure what it was about him, but for some reason whenever he spoke to her or simply touched her, it was like all her fire was put out instantaneously. She could be ready to murder but the moment Yang touched her, she would completely abandon her objective. Her parents had told her she and her brother were twins, their opposed colored tails a clear sign. She supposed that was the reason he was able to affect her so greatly whenever it came to her actions around others.

But he wasn't around right now. She'd separated from his side to investigate the new lands for herself, since no one had bothered to show up at the battlefield to fill them in. Yang had been adamant that she stay with him and wait, but she'd gotten to restless. She wanted and she wanted answers now. Standing around and waiting for them just wasn't going to suit her. She was a woman of action, not idle waiting like her brother. So in spite of his insistence Yin took off, needing to feel the new terrain beneath her paws, to map out the land herself instead of having someone tell her what it was like. And so she'd gone, not knowing where she was going but just needing to go somewhere. Her ivory paws carried her to a sandy beach, but unlike one she'd ever been to before. The beaches back in the areas around China had had tan colored sand. This beach had obsidian stained sand, a strange thing for the white woman. It felt just like any other beach, but the coloring threw her off. But she had to admit, beneath the light of the moon, it looked ten times more astounding than any regular beach could. The giant pillars of what looked to be some kind of rock made the beach look that much more alluring, reeling in the newcomer like a moth to a flame. The gentle crashing of the waves caught her attention, mismatched sea green and icy eyes wandering to the darkened water, watching it repeatedly attack the shore only to retreat and start its attack anew. It was so...peaceful.

A quiet growl rumbled in her chest, but she didn't move from her spot at the shoreline, just beyond the reach of the freezing waves. She shouldn't be standing here, watching water. She should be out searching for someone to give her answers, to tell her exactly where she was and who lived here and who was in charge and everything else that she needed to know about this strange place. And yet here she was, a white ghost with a dark tail, watching the water, surrounded by gargantuan pillars, simply being for a moment.

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