
This land is our land



7 Years

08-26-2016, 11:31 AM

He saw a touch of a frown before his sons face turned into a stone wall. As much as he loved Lark, he wished that in a moment like this, he would be able to tell what he was thinking. His stomach was wound in a tight knot, his breath just about hitching in his throat. Bass had to shove down the fear of being rejected by his own kids because of this decision. He knew that this was coming out of no where, he hadn't really made his thoughts clear to... well anyone. He was going to continue to plod along with Abaven until the day that he died, but Karabela had made retirement sound so good. He could work more on himself that way, fix this terrible mood he had been in. The idea of being the family man that he always wanted to be was something that he craved now, but it would look like this conversation was not going to be an easy one. Letting out a deep breath, he let Lark say all he needed to say. He nodded when it called for it, his head spinning around in circles.

Lark's words were firm when he stated that it was not his fault that Wren left, and he didn't miss the pain that was in his voice. His own lips tugged downwards, his golden eyes searching his son's face. He knew that it had been hard on them all to have a mother that was so distant. He hadn't really been able to be there as a father either, with Abaven always in the back of his mind. He told him that he didn't fail them, although Bass would always think otherwise. How could he not have? He hadn't been able to be the man that they needed him to be, or even the alpha that they needed for that matter. When Lark said 'but', his ears perked, and he slowly nodded when he said that he wasn't ready for Abaven. "I would never push you into it, Lark. I wouldn't want to force you to lead when you didn't want to, that is the last thing I want to do. You are allowed to not want it at all, it's your life and you can do as you see fit. If being an alpha isn't one of those things, then it's completely okay. I will be proud of you, and love you, no matter what you do," Bass said softly, leaning forward to place a quick lick on his forehead. "I love all you kids so much, I just want to see you be happy in life. And you know... one day make me a grandfather," His eyes sparkled, heavily implying what he had seen back at the meeting. He said nothing else though, just left it at that before moving on.

He had never really thought of offering Tinaro, it had only really occurred to him to hand off the pack a few minutes ago while he was talking to Karabela. She had spoken of wanting a pack, and he had one, it was as simple as that. The Lastic man was his highest ranking wolf, and he had worked hard for that position. "May I ask why you don't think Raba is fit for the job?" There was no offense in his voice, he just simply wanted to know what Lark was thinking. As for the Tinaro thing... "He's never expressed any interest in being leader, nor has he had any training. Well, Karabela hasn't either..." Bass sighed, his eyes squinting as he tried to formulate the right words. "I could call him here, right now if you wanted. I could always make him my second and train him up, give him some power without totally tossing him into the wind. Then if I see that he is a good match, I can retire and he can take over by himself..." He said softly, searching Lark's face for signs of approval.

"Talk" "You" Think