
Homeward Bound



5 Years
08-26-2016, 01:18 PM
It was time to go home. He knew this, and he was finally okay with it. He had been making his way home for many, many weeks now - two seasons, was it? Was this the third? He had truthfully lost count of when he left Abaven, and left his family. That was bad, wasn't it? That he didn't even remember that...

He didn't regret leaving, though. If he hadn't left, he would never have realized the truth in what his family said. He would never had realized how he was hurting everyone. He would never have realized the consequences of his actions, and just hwo stupid he had been. He also wouldn't have realized what it felt like to be truly free, truly happy. He had discovered all of this in his absence to Abaven. The only thing he regretted was the way he left. In a childish rage, unwilling to face his own actions, unwilling to open his ears and listen.

He was still afraid, too, of not being forgiven. Of not being accepted. That was a fear, he knew, that he would not be able to soothe until he was forgiven, though much of it had already been calmed when he ran into Lark. A soft smile appeared on his face at the thought of his much larger brother. Lark was such a hard, stiff wolf, reminiscent of a rock... well, until you dug a bit. Then you found a big, squishy marshmallow. You could never meet a wolf more loyal and devoted to his family, and forgiving, too. At least, in Starling's mind. He was ever appreciative of his brother.

It was running into Lark that gave him the courage to finally reach the border. He hadn't come with Lark back home, instead choosing to face this alone. He needed to face his actions, and he needed to face his father, alone. It was his fault, his wrong-doing, his many stupid things. Therefore, he must deal with it without leaning on another, without using a crutch. And he would, too.

Standing only a few feet from the border, he felt his fear return. It made him pause, and voice inside urged him to go back, to not call, that he would just be hurt, that Lark was wrong and he wouldn't be forgiven. Swallowing hard, he dug his paws into the ground. No. He must stay. He couldn't run away, like every other time.

Taking a deep breath, he called for the alpha of Abaven, who was ultimately his judge... and also his father.
