
Coming Back To You


08-26-2016, 01:37 PM

It had been too long since he’d returned to Boreas. During the time of sickness Thanatos had gone away, instructing Poe to carry messages back and forth to Shiki so the other male wouldn’t feel completely abandoned by him. The young man had thought long and hard during that time, fighting to expell sickness from his body and working to ensure that he would return to the wolf he’d come to love. Their relationship was still young, but Thany was determined that, when he finally made the trip home, he was going to tell Shiki exactly how he felt and never leave his side again.

The Estuary didn’t look any different, and Thany breathed in. When Poe last met with Shiki it had been somewhere here in the West according to the raven… but where exactly? Thany had traveled here in hopes that he might find Shiki… the longer he was away from the other male was killing him. He breathed in, coming to a stop by the water. What if Shiki had moved on without him? It’d been some time since his last message… what if Shiki had given up on him? With a worried expression Thanatos rose his muzzle to the sky, loosing a howl that he hoped and prayed would reach the wolf he sought.

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