
Counting Crows [Loki Birthing Thread]



06-18-2013, 12:52 AM

A scream rang out through Tortuga. A painful one clearly calling to one being and one being alone. Pasty head snapped upwards as he looked in the direction of her den. The place where the cry had come from. Ears flicked forward and the man immediately knew it was her time. Perhaps a bit late, but it was most certainly time to see his whelps be born into the world. She would be quite angry with him. He'd seen how big she'd gotten. Swollen with his kids. Neither of them were large creatures either. Slim and extremely agile. He knew that they could be no bigger than he. The conclusion was that there were more than three. Possibly five. No more than six. She would be livid with him, but that was what he was even bothering to show up for. See his second litter of kids come into the world and to let her curse at him with the tongue he knew she possessed.

Completely prepared for the onslaught of words she would barrage him with, he set forward towards her den with a brusque trot. He was intent on arriving there in decent time else he give her something else to harp at him for. Pregnant women were already moody enough without giving them reasons to be even more bitchy. He had no intentions of possibly frustrating her even more than he probably had with the whole ordeal. He did quite appreciate his balls attached to his body.

Picky his way to her almost completely hidden den, his head ducked downwards as he peered inside. He could see her dark body writhing as her body worked through the familiar routine of expelling the life inside of her. Two-toned blue gaze gave her a look that said "well go on. I'm waiting for the cussing to commence" while eyebrows raised expectantly.

"Is there anything I can get you?"

It was an offer trying to alleviate anything. A moment of kindness that the old brute had. Perhaps it wasn't the best time to ask that, but he wasn't quite familiar with how it all worked. Brina hadn't exactly been the greatest example of a mother. In fact she'd left him with the kids as soon as they were weaned. This time would be different, but as far as dealing with the pregnant mother. Well. This was a whole new ballgame. One who would tread lightly on. He also liked his trachea intact with his throat.
