
Step Lightly


06-18-2013, 01:00 AM
Looking back, his prints strayed behind him for as far as he could see...a trail that perhaps his sister might find. They became separated, an unseen enemy attacked them. It was over as fast as it had happened, the only result...a fresh cut on his face and his missing sister. He had tried to track her scent, but the scent of carrion covered it, demolishing his chances completely. He had howled, but nobody answered. Where the fuck was he!? He glanced to his right, nothing but an endless swath of Ocean. The moon reflected off of it, in turn bouncing the light onto him, making him look like a strange dream to the eyes of another. He sneezed, this damn salt air made him shudder. It coated his thick fur, making it feel heavy and dirty. Not only that, but it made his tongue feel dryer then normal...he hadn't seen any fresh water around where he went. He had come by a puddle, but there was a dead rotting bird in it. There was no way he'd risk it, for once, he wouldn't risk it. Not as long as he was alone, but with his sister around, it'd be another story...

He stopped and threw his head back, a long drawling sound escaped his powerful jaws. A cry of loneliness as he experienced being away from his sister for such a long period of time. They were always together, ever since they were left alone, abandoned, left to die as pups in the unforgiving frosts that began that Fall, several years ago. They were always together...always.
When he had a job to do, she'd accompany him to ensure that he would have backup if anything went wrong...and knowing him, something always did.
His teeth snapped shut as a moth flew by. He watched it go higher towards the sky before it made a kamikaze dive towards the ground...

"Hmph, stupid creatures...can't even keep yourself alive for more then a minute." He sneered, the Moth had drowned itself in a rising wave. Shaking his head, he moved on. Not knowing where to go, or where he was...he could do nothing but trek on. The only signs of life he had seen in this scape was the unknown enemy, and a wolves, no prey, nothing. He sighed with frustration, where the hell was civilization!?

He lifted his head, what was that? He sniffed again...a scent? This time it wasn't salt or carrion, no. It was another creature, alive with a beating heart. He quickened his pace, who was it? A wolf, obviously. That much he knew. He fell into a quick trot, his lope crossing line with the shallow waves. He hopped away from them as the cold water shocked his feet, stinging his pads. He neared a strip of giant rocks and boulders that lied on the sand, separating the land. He slowly climbed upwards, the wind tugging his ear fur, whistling, leading him. He carefully peered over the rocks, there below some feet away, standing in the sand was the wolf whom he scented. His fur blended with the rock, his eyes reflected the moon. He clambered onto the rocks and lied down on a flat one, forelegs crossed and a grin on his face. She hadn't seen him yet...she seemed more focused on the view in front of her.