
Gotta raise a little hell


08-26-2016, 11:00 PM

Mercy's words hit him like pieces of hail, hitting him with a sharp force that just left him silent. He was beginning to realize that yelling back would never solve this. They were driving each other in heated circles that never seemed to end. He clamped his mouth shut and forced himself to take deep breaths till his heart began to calm and his hackles rested against his spine again. Occasionally he would quietly interject a statement here and there, but that's all he let himself say. "I know you can," he'd say when she insisted that she could take care of herself. "This is how I thought I was proving myself to you," he added when she told him that she had been waiting on him. That was all he dared to say. She stepped closer to him and he wouldn't flinch away from her icy gaze.

He let her finish before he spoke again and when he did he wanted to choose his words carefully even though that was easier said than done. His emotions were spinning like a hurricane and it wasn't the easiest thing in the world to think with. This sure as hell wasn't how he pictured their reunion. "You're not the only one that has been abandoned again and again, Mercy." His voice was finally even and calm once again, despite how he was feeling. "But... no. You never gave me a reason to think that you wanted to be without me. I had faith in you. I didn't have faith in myself and my worth and my ability to be worthy of any kind of real companionship." He sighed, shaking his head more at himself than anything else. There was still one question he hadn't answered and it was the one that he struggled the most with.

"You... You are my greatest challenge, but in the best way imaginable. You challenge me and push me in ways that I never thought possible. I never want to tame you. I want to savor every last wild streak you have and just hold on for the ride. Every word I said to you back then was the truth and meant more to me than anything else." He swallowed hard past the lump in his throat while he tried to fight back the wave of emotions that threatened to overtake him again. "You're everything to me. I don't know how to label what this is... All I know is that I never want to be without you for that long again. I never want to leave your side again if I can help it. I want to pamper you, not because I don't think you can care for yourself, but just because I want to treat you like the queen you are to me. I don't want to tie you down, but I still want you all to myself- for you to be only mine."

He just wanted to cross what little space was between them and feel her scruff in his teeth and feel all of her body pressed to his. That that was what he knew. That's how he knew to show his emotions. He wasn't good at expressing himself in words or expressions. The more he spoke the more frustrated he could feel himself becoming again purely because he wanted to give Mercy a firm answer and he just didn't have one. He didn't know what the fuck they were, he didn't know how to label this twisted up relationship they had found themselves in. He only knew he wanted her so badly in every way possible, even beyond all the physical, primal needs.


Art by Otackoon