
Avalon pup available 2.0



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
08-27-2016, 12:20 AM (This post was last modified: 08-27-2016, 10:32 AM by Avalon.)
So one pup from Avalons latest litter is going back up for adoption. She's only had two posts, so I suppose everything can be changed; including appearance, personality, name, etc. Especially since she's had basically only one post with her siblings and one post in a meeting.

This litter was born late winter, so they'd be about 6 months or so now. Anywho, keeping this simple.
Here's the original profile

I generally have very few, just a couple simple things usually.
1. Activity is a must! I seriously hate having to take back pups because of lack of activity. Before, I'd leave it to where if there was no month of activities then I'd take it back. But I feel like that's being abused, so unfortunately, I'm changing it to least 4-5 posts a month, 1 or more a week. This doesn't include mandatory threads ie pack meetings, training, etc because thats expected of the kids. Otherwise they'll forever stay a tier 4/5 :3

2. Alignment not to go below neutral, I'd prefer nothing chaotic, since avalon has done nothing but love these kids and be the best damn mom she can be.

3. Riv and shrap have provided designs from the previous adopts, so you can choose from those. IF, you choose to make your own design, then you need to indicate in your application that it CAN be reused should it end up being taken back. Makes it easier to adopt. If you're not okay with that, then pick from what's provided. Design links will be posted below. If you want to change a design provided, ask first.

4. This character and it's designs stay on ardent, though if you really wanna play it elsewhere then skype me.

5. Names are to follow themes of war, strength, and mythical creatures, as well as foreign since Vereux has a foreign name (what language it's from idek lol).

The pup will be played as sick until a new adopter has been found. If there is none by...idk when yet, then I'll close this and probably take it myself but I'd rather not >.>

Designs available
Shrap's designs--ONLY 2,5,7,8, & 9 are to be selected as those would be a closer avalux mix. ALSO, all those designs require regular shaped markings so keep that in mind.

Riv's designs
Avalon and ver have a wide range, including albino and melanism. blacks, greys, whites, slates, tans etc. No weird mental disorders please, that doesn't exactly run through them >.> aannnddd lastly, there's height discount up to 39" thanks to avalon so there ya go.

I may edit this later on if I need to change/correct things too.

Alright on to the form

<b>Appearance</b>: at least site minimum
<b>Personality</b>: site minimum
<b>RP sample</b>:


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!