
You will remember me



5 Years
Extra large
08-27-2016, 09:12 AM

Quietly Taufr slipped in behind his mother and sister. Like Naudir, the yearling was here to observe the exchange. Politics was a complex, foreign thing and he was desperate to know more about it. Some day, if one of his sisters became Drottning, he wanted to be prepared to assist them in any way they needed. The boy wanted to be as versatile as he possibly could and he was in awe of his mother's ability to navigate an interpersonal arena usually wrought with strong emotion so coolly and rationally.

Should the woman his mother was speaking to look his way as he entered, the boy intended to cast a polite nod her way. He didn't plan on making a scene of any kind; all he wanted to do was watch the exchange. Taufr already had an idea of what was going down; he'd heard a great deal of the exchange as he'd approached and he was curious to see how the two alphas resolved the issue. His mother was in the right to claim retribution and while he didn't think the woman truly understood his mother's claim and what it entailed, he understood her reluctance to turn a packmate over for punishment. That didn't change the fact that the man had brought it upon himself and those who sought to help keep him from justice would likely be found just as guilty. Was this woman willing to risk the well being of herself and possibly the rest of her pack for an untrustworthy man?

His gaze swiveled to the back of his mother's head as he waited for her response. He wasn't sure what to expect next; this kind of bargaining (if it could even be called that) was entirely new to him. How far did diplomacy go? At what point did words fail and action become necessary?

"Talk" "You" Think