
Avalon pup available 2.0


08-27-2016, 11:39 AM
Name: Kelpie

Gender: Trans-male (Assigned female at birth)

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Design: Click

Appearance: While most of his siblings are on the taller end of things, Kelpie is lacking their height. Long legged and thin, he does not have the fighter build that they may have. He'll never be a runt, growing to stand at 36 inches in height. He weighs around 137 pounds as an adult; very small for a wolf his size. At the moment, he has grown out of the awkward, long legged stage, although part still lingers with him. With his upcoming growth, he's likely to be much more awkward.

While most of his siblings tend to be darker in colors and markings, Kelpie is not. His main fur color is a snowy white, covering most of his fur. His fur colors are taken from his mother instead of his father. Dark gray covers the edge of both ears, standing out against the white of his fur. He has the same pattern that his mother has; a stripe of tan that goes towards the tip of his tail. His front paws are tan as well; the stripe of tan goes down from his back, the color going down to his paws. Finally, the tip of his tail is the same dark gray.

Kelpie's eyes are a vivid green, easily standing out against his lighter colored fur.

Personality: Kelpie, at the moment, is a very self conscious pup. He's worried about what his family, what others, will think of him. Although he's scared to admit it, for fear of being rejected, female pronouns bother him. He doesn't like being called them, although he bites his tongue on the matter. Anxiety about the matter drives him to keep quiet; for now, at least. Until he can gather up the courage.

Telling his real opinions don't come easily to Kelpie. Instead, he'd rather say that everything was okay, and fight whatever it was himself. He doesn't want those close to him to worry, and knows that they may if he brings the slightest thing up.  The second reason is that he can't find the words to explain it. He may get emotional, or frustrated, easily, if he cannot explain things well enough. Not really at the others; at himself.

Although not really a full out fear, Kelpie tends to keep away from strangers, or even those that he's seen around a few times. He's worried they'll dislike him, or that they already do, from what they have seem of him. He's also worried that he'll annoy them, being very passionate about the things he likes. As a result, he tends to seem a little clingy, preferring to stay around his friends and those that have the same interests.

Kelpie can be put in a bad mood quite easily, prone to lashing out or becoming upset if he is left behind or annoyed enough. He's scared that his friends will all leave him eventually, or find someone new, and he hates the thought of it. He's afraid of the thought of being left alone or forgotten, and so may act out at certain times. Not really all that often; mostly if something is upsetting him.

Kelpie has an irrational fear of storms, and he is nervous about a lot of things. They're not enough to bother him, but the fear is still there.

RP sample: Alright, he could do this, right? Yeah. Of course he could. He would be fine. He wouldn't be judged. They were his family. They wouldn't say anything. Still, he could barely even think of forcing the words out of his mouth. He had kept silent about it for so long; it was hard to finally admit it. Pacing, he sighed, a soft huff escaping him. He just needed to calm down about the whole thing, right? He had nothing to worry about. He was going to be sick. Nervousness was making him sick to his stomach, and he could feel his heart pounding. "Just relax, Kelpie. Everything will be okay." His own voice helped a little, but the churning of his stomach wasn't going to end anytime soon, it seemed. Better to just get this over with, right? He was almost shaking by the time he forced himself to stop pacing. Slowly, he raised his head, a call for his family escaping him.

Now, he just had to wait on his family. Hopefully, they'd be by his side soon. He wasn't sure how much longer he could be brave enough to tell them the news he had.

Plots: (In order)
-Kelpie starts to feel very confused about gender
-Hesitantly starts to use male pronouns (not long after the sickness passes, which is why I'm using he/him)
-Feels uncomfortable when female pronouns are used for him
-Reaches a year old
-Feels a lot more sure about his gender
-Starts trying to gain enough courage to tell family