
welcome back

Sora I


3 Years
08-27-2016, 01:43 PM
Sora heard a voice come from somewhere behind her, she first looked to Alisa wondering if she had said something. The fox shrugged as if to say don’t look at me. Sora would stand up to turn around and look behind herself. At first glance she didn’t see anything that could’ve made a noise, but then she looked down to see what looked to be a pup. They were white with black markings just like she was, they also carried a scent that came as a surprise to Sora. It was a smell that she hadn’t smelled in a very long time, she recognized it but not completely. She swore that she had known that scent before but had no idea from where she had smelled it. She inched closer to look at the pup, they didn’t seem to be in a very good shape. They looked almost sickly thin and their eyes looked almost dead. Who was this pup? “Who are you?” She would ask “Where are your parents?” the latter being a bit softer toned than the first.
Alisa didn’t think much about the stray pup that Sora had found, it was just another wolf what was so bad about it. Wolves had proven to her that they could get on by themselves, if it were a fennec fox pup that would be a different story. But wolves were much bigger than Fennec’s so they could take care of themselves much sooner. So the fox would just stay there laid down in the sunlight with her head turned to look at the interaction that would happen between Sora and this pup.
[Image: oeFbF2h.png]
[Image: sora_by_nnightcrawler-dais0jt.png]
Sora has a Fennec fox companion who is unless otherwise stated is with her. Alisa's speech is orange Sora's speech is green