
Love is not a choice

Mercy I


5 Years

08-27-2016, 04:23 PM

The giant female didn't greet her with any words, nor respond to her comment. She merely got right into the fight, which made a large smile spread over Mercy's lips. This was the kind of battle that she liked! Quickly she dropped into the very familiar fighting stance, her legs set an equal distance apart and each limb was bent slightly. Her toes spread and her claws slid into the ground for more traction, her lips curling up as she snarled at the familiar female. Her ears were flat against her head, her purple eyes narrowed into little slits. Her hackles rose with ease, her blood pumping faster in her veins as the adrenaline started to flow. Mercy's shoulders rolled forward as her head and tail aligned with her spine, her chin tucking in towards her chest. Her opponent was 7 inches taller than she was, but thanks to Imperium, Mercy was experienced with fighting taller wolves. She missed the days that she used to stand taller than everyone else, but apparently this place bred giants.

The pale woman watched carefully as Amachi charged forward, only a small space separating them. Taking a rather large risk, Mercy stayed where she was standing. She jutted out her own left shoulder as Amachi aimed for it with her right shoulder, aiming to slam it right against the oncoming blade. Mercy was hoping for the front of both of their shoulders to collide, taking the moderate bruise that spread across the front of hers in hope for retaliating some damage of her own.* The pale woman stayed stock still though, simply absorbing the damage and moving on. Out of the corner of her eye she saw her opponent raise her left front leg, she slid her own right front leg two inches to her right, avoiding the paw that came smashing down right beside it. Her paw never left the earth, but she took another risk in offsetting her stance, her front legs now slightly wider than her back. Seeking to adjust this, she rose her right front leg and tried to align it with the front of Amachi's left front paw and slamming her own right forepaw on top of it. This would bring her stance back to normal, as well as hopefully cause some bruising to the woman's foot. Mercy's weight shifted towards her left, hoping to keep herself balanced while her one leg was off the ground.

The smaller woman was clever, and she was going to try and stop this woman from causing her any harm. Seemingly already one step ahead of her, Mercy's jaws parted as her head tipped upwards. She was displaying her neck, but it was all for, hopefully, a big gain. As Amachi's jaws aimed for her snout, she attempted to interrupt her path. Mercy attempted to wrap her jaws around Amachi's, hoping that because she was aiming to bite that they wouldn't be at their largest reach. She aimed for her top jaw to latch onto the top of the bridge of her (Amachi's) nose, about two inches up from her nose. Her bottom jaw aimed for the underside of the striped woman's jaw, also about two inches in from the tip of the jaw. Mercy was hoping to gain a solid grip, as well as enclose Amachi's nose within her mouth and cut off her air source. This would also prevent the larger woman from biting her, and hopefully giving her full control of her head. Maybe if she could hold on long enough with her jaws forced shut, she would just pass the fuck out.

Round 1 of 3

*{Counter of sorts? More of a redirection of damage from where Amachi originally aimed}

Art by Evelyn

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.