
You Make my Heart Flutter like a Tilt-a-Whirl



6 Years

08-27-2016, 05:08 PM
Would any of his siblings have ever imagined that he might someday have not just a mate, but children? A family? He could only imagine the joy Ara would express when she found out. Once they were born - not if but when - they would have to take a trip to see if she was still in Fiori with her wife. He didn't know where the rest of them might be now, or if it would even be worth it to search for them. His chest swelled with pride at the mere thought of introducing them to his future children. However many there might be, whether they be male or female. It was a lot to consider, and he felt his head spinning, with excitement and passion alike. It was almost too much for him; it was hard to think and even to speak, but luckily they didn't need to say anything at all now.

It was difficult to take his time. He fought the urge to move more quickly after her, knowing he ought to savor the moment the best he could. As he nipped at her tail she giggled, and he felt warmth blossom in his chest. He loved her too deeply for him to even imagine, let alone put into words - saying he loved her didn't feel like it really explained it. He was eager to press against her again, and made no effort to hide the desire he harbored for her. Without hesitating he would bury his snout into the side of her neck, behind her ear, inhaling her scent greedily.

It was difficult to not ravage her right here. He was hardly aware of the fact that they stood in the shallows now, his attention was locked on Esarosa so thoroughly that a hurricane could've been raging around them and he likely wouldn't have noticed at all. "I love you," he'd finally mumble as he nipped lightly at her ear now, pressing more tightly against her. It wasn't long before his slightly larger frame was moving above her own, his limbs coming to rest on each side of her as two became one - and their dreams of creating a family would start to become a reality.
