
Step Lightly


06-18-2013, 01:26 AM (This post was last modified: 07-07-2013, 02:15 AM by Yin.)

And then the momentary peace, something extremely rare for her was shattered completely, the fragments lost among the crashing waves before her. She felt him before she scented or even saw him. Her parents had trained her well enough as a youngster for battle, heightening her sense of awareness. Not many wolves were able to do this, so her parents had told her, so being able to sense an incoming intrude or threat was something that was highly valued. It was like she was much more connected to the earth beneath her paws, which allowed her to expand her senses beyond what was a normal capacity. It was like she could feel the drumming of his paws against the ground, despite his distance from her being great. But once he came within her area, her sensing of him became more acute. She could feel his eyes drilling into her spine, watching her from afar. Without completely turning around the ivory she-wolf inclined her head towards the breeze, nostrils flaring as she hunted for his scent. There. Unfamiliar, and rogue, with the hint of another's on his pelt. The other scent was remarkably similar to his. Could he have a sibling that he traveled with, like Yin did? She was sure he could smell Yang on her if he hadn't already caught her scent. Even if there was a slight similarity between them didn't mean that she was going to welcome his presence with open paws.

Nape bristled, ripping against her shoulders, mimicking the waves crashing against the beach, audits rotating backwards as his voice drifted into her ears. Lost? A snarl worked itself up and over her pearly lips as they pulled back to expose her gleaming dentures. Yin pivoted to the right, sea green and icy eyes coming across the rogue's figure as he laid perched atop some of the rocks not to far from the shoreline. The snarl thrummed inside her chest as she let it ripple out into the atmosphere, crossing the distance between the two to reach his ears. Why are you? she replied threateningly, body tense, muscles coiled and ready to react at the slightest provocation. So much for peace.

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