
A merry pair are we



7 Years

08-28-2016, 03:07 AM
He was swimming in dangerous waters, and he knew it. Yet it gave him quite the thrill to know that she might snap at him at any moment. She could easily overpower him, especially when he had no desire to fight it right now. His heart continued to pound rapidly, his desire for and fear of her causing adrenaline to flood his body. He could hear a slight unsteadiness in her own breath, just a moment before she gained control of it. He had been an unwilling participant at the beginning of her game, but the more she toyed with him, dangling the prize just out of reach, the more involved he became. He felt at least somewhat certain that she wanted this, even if she wouldn't truly admit to it, and that was all the hope he needed to keep him playing. After all, she had egged him on, she had started the timer for this game to begin.

His ears folded back, an excited gasp escaping him as her lips pressed against his forehead, causing a shudder to wrack his body. The deceivingly sweet, gentle touch was unnerving, though, causing his hackles to spike; this was not her. He knew it - this was the calm before the storm. Yet, at the same time, the fire in his body grew, and he couldn't help it as he leaned slightly toward her. It had been so long since he'd been this close to anyone, physically. The fact that it was his master, his captor and tormentor did not matter to him. If anything, it made him want it more. He wouldn't be leaving her presence anytime soon. He wouldn't have chances to be near anyone else. This all felt good in the most outlandish and unlikely way. But even a bastard like himself needed this from time to time.

Her soft voice on his left ear caused a grin to spread briefly on his maw, seconds before she snapped her jaws onto the skin behind his ears, giving it a sharp twist and forcing his head to the ground. His jaws parted wide as a pained screech tore from his throat, before his teeth snapped shut, gritting together, grunting as he endured the pain, his pulse racing. His forelegs spread, braced against her force, his hind legs pushing him into a standing position with his tail tucked and head bowed beneath her jaws. Did it please her to hear him scream from the agony she imposed upon him? As he suffered the pressure of her teeth, his grunt drew out into a rumbling sound laced with lust. And then, a sudden wicked cackle escaped him, as his quivering forelegs gave out, surrendering to her dominance. "Master, I'll do anything you ask," he rumbled lowly, his voice thick with the desire he felt as he pleaded with her, "I'll never complain again. I promise I'll be a good pet from now on. I want you. So. Bad. I'll behave... please." His breath shook, his body beginning to tremble.

Any pride and shame had left him. He didn't care what it took. He had to have her. The angrier and more violent she got with him, the more beautiful she appeared. How was this possible? He had loathed her, been repulsed by her, but the longer he'd been chained to her, a mere slave under her superiority, the more he felt compelled and willing he felt to submit to her. And now, he felt a strong attraction for her, even if it was just superficial. But was it only that? He didn't understand the insanity going on in his mind, but he had no desire to resist it, his only desire was to feel her.