
In a room of white noise[Healer Training]



6 Years
08-28-2016, 03:40 AM

After the meeting, it seemed wolves were more inclined to these meetings. Vereux knew if he didn't do his part either it would be a waste. He was determined to be Ivalice's best healer. He couldn't just let a whim let him in. After all, he was born and raised in one of the greatest(even if it was the cruelest) packs that Ardent had come across. He nodded back to Lykos in turn. Regardless of Lykos dislike of him, he was the heir. Which meant in theory that he was ranked above Vereux. Superiors, Vereux was starting to remember how home used to be. So maybe he could analyze things that way.

Then it was Amachi, another silent wolf. He was beginning to think it would just be him talking until Esarosa showed up. A smile on his face as she spoke, at least she was friendly. It made him feel less alienated within the pack at least. “Nothing too complicated today Esarosa. I figured wolves should know first aid when they need it.” he responded with a dip of his head. Of course she would boost his confidence. In turn, he greeted Kharnage, and a newcomer. Ganta was it? If Vereux remembered his name clearly. Then his son would surprise him, the small puff ball came to him with a dead butterfly. It broke his heart slightly to see his son so distraught, but he knew all wolves would have to come to terms with these things.

Vereux would crouch near his son, a soft smile on his face. “Enlil, you bit a little too hard on the creature. Some wounds - cannot be healed. Like when you hunt prey, you give them wounds that can't be healed. Which is why you need to be careful about how you bite unless it's against an enemy. Don't be afraid or sad though, you see this butterfly - it's moved onto the next life.” he would settled a paw near the boy. Looking at him with his green eye, “You'll be alright, if you wish we can bury the butterfly after the meeting. Which is how you pay respects to the dead.” to give him some more reassurance he would give the boy a lick on the cheek. “See that black wolf over there, her name is Esarosa. Why don't you sit next to her? There are a lot more wolves than just daddy who can teach you a thing or two.” after the male would raise himself again just to see Dragon appear.

With that it seemed they would be the only wolves going to show. Regardless he was excited for the turn out being larger than before. Taking in a deep breath, he'd remember his short season as a King. “Thank you all for coming, this meeting will be short so no need to hold your breath. I'm simply going to talk about first aid, the basic herbs that on a rainy day can help you get by until a more experienced healer shows up or otherwise.” The male would shift. He then grabbed his herbs. Mint, Poppy seeds, Cobwebs to just start. Each in turn placing in front of him.

“This green plant here is Mint, you may have smelt it before since it's so distinct. Mint can be of help if you have a stomach ache, anxiety, it's a relaxant basically.” he then went to the seed in front of him, almost looking like a flower. “These are poppy seeds, this container here actually holds millions of the little seeds inside of it. It's a pain killer and sedative. You take one or two of the pods when in pain and it will make you sleepy. Just be careful not to take too much like most herbs.” the last were the cobwebs - and of course they weren't so much a herb as they were... well cobwebs. “Last of these three are cobwebs, you know what they are you see spiders spin them all the time in dark or enclosed spaces. Enough of it, it will stop bleeding can even be used as a binding for broken limbs if you align it with a sturdy branch. It's sticky so be careful when handling it.” after that the male would look up towards the group.

“Any questions about these herbs? If you'd like to know a specific herb for a certain ailment or injury I can also tell you of those.” Just these three seemed to be the most common that he used among any circumstance.

ooc: Next round is due September 6th.

“Vereux” “Avalon”