
Step Lightly


06-18-2013, 01:59 AM
An exasperated sigh escaped his lips. This one should he put it...uptight. He stood and yawned, her threatening gesture didn't bother him at all. He could kill her now if he wanted too, but he didn't want to, nor did he feel like it. With a shake of his fur, he bounced from rock to rock, ignoring her angry defenses. He landed neatly on his paws, the sand spraying out on all sides of him, sticking to his legs. Head cocked to the side, a grin still on his face he raised a brow at her.
"Chill out will ya? I'm not gonna eat you. Geez, what's up with girls these days." He rolled his eyes. If she wanted to be left alone, well then she'd have to chase him away. It would do good for him to have a little teaser around, he could use the exercise anyhow. With amusement on his features, he knew that this girl would probably get all the more angrier...unless she didn't know what to make of him since he was not showing any threat to her. The breeze that carried in from the waters stirred up the sand between them, ruffling his fur and his right ear which flopped against his head.

"Say, you're not alone are you? Your scent is mixed, you were traveling with someone. A relative maybe? Did you get separated? Chased away? An argument perhaps? Or maybe you just wanted to get some air? Either way, my question was not answered. As for me, I'm just...out for a stroll."
It was a lie, obviously. But she didn't know that, nor would he tell her why he was around here...not with her attitude. How could he trust someone like that? He snorted as sand whipped up his nose, curse this damn landscape! He hated it! With his sister it wasn't so bad because they played around or she teased him about it, but alone with someone he didn't know, it frustrated him. Especially when the beach irked him in front of a stranger!
The moon shone down on his fur, an ethereal figure standing on the shore, the only giveaway of his silhouette against the rock was the white of his body and his deep clear blue eyes. The color of clear Caribbean waters...ironic, considering he didn't very much like the ocean. But his sister did, oh how he missed her...clearing away his trailing thoughts, he waited for an answer from this seemingly bi-polar she wolf.