
Don't be afraid to slip and fall

Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

08-28-2016, 01:39 PM

Images ran through his mind, putting him in a tizzy slightly. The male would let out a yawn as he shook his head trying to free himself from worries as he took in a deep breath. The male would take his offer up. Digging into the kill with ferocity, considering he hadn't been able to catch any good game with the pain in his side. That and he would hate to reopen his wound to have Armai patch it up all over again. It amazed him the loyalty of these wolves, he was glad he had come to know them. Perhaps he would've have been more comfortable being in a pack with them, without being an alpha. the thought had crossed his mind, and he still needed to ask his wife a few things. Now that she - of all wolves - had made him realized that in Myriad he had lost a bit of himself. Only now was he returning to who he had originally been, the male she fell in love with. The male that he longed to be.

Rivaxorus heard Xephyris question, and his head raised from the rabbit. It was... a very valid question. One that was filled with unknown answers at the moment. "I'm not sure yet. My main goal is to recover - and of course resume my own training." he let the thought cross his mind. "I was thinking about recreating Myriad... but then my better thoughts fought against that. I best bury it now, I'd like... to spend majority of my life with my wife. I was thinking of asking her if she'd like to start a family, but I'd like to have a pack to support our family." he looked off to the side at the thought. It was a rather embarrassing subject to be talking about, so he let out a shivered breath. "Why Xephyris... was there something on your mind?" he tilted his head to the side.

"Talk" "You" Think