
Crash and BURN

Mercy I


5 Years

08-28-2016, 02:33 PM

Avalon had picked on the wrong woman. Okay so, she may have been asking for it, but it wasn't Mercy who started this fight. She was going to finish it though, that was for sure. At least she had been able to grab hold of Avalon, but it wasn't where she had been aiming for. A large smirk crossed her lips as she tasted her blood on her tongue, a driving force that pushed Mercy onward. The slightly taller woman had reared up, and after many battles, Mercy knew what was coming. Quickly letting go of Avalon, she knew that there was no hope of moving out of the way in time. Thinking fast, Mercy placed her paw back on the ground after her attempted slam missed, and then dropped down into a play bow. Her lower half was close to the ground, her rump up in the air as her forelegs slid forwards. Keeping herself that way, she glanced upwards with narrowed eyes to see what her opponent was doing. Avalon's attempt at wrapping around her neck of course missed, since she was so low to the ground. The chest slam was useless against her being under the taller woman, and Mercy's smile was all knowing. She was a very experienced fighter, she had been in many spars and could read a fight well. This wasn't the first time that she had been able to keep herself from taking very little damage, and it wouldn't be the last. The pale woman bet against herself that Avalon wouldn't be able to do any more damage to her, she was going to end this fight quickly with the alpha's blood all over her. Mercy waited until Avalon's jaws parted to make her move, quickly shifting gears and sliding her forelimbs back towards herself, and then quickly pushing off of them and lifting her front half off the ground, attempting to rear about four feet off the ground. Her weight shifted towards her back legs, her tail flagging out and parallel to the ground to aid in her balance. Her two grounded limbs were an equal distance apart, her toes spreading as her claws dug into the ground to hold her more solidly. Her ears were against her head, her eyes still narrowed. Her head was aligned with her spine, and she tried to keep her chin as close to her chest as she could. Her pale hackles were still on end, refusing to lay low during this heated battle.

As Mercy moved upwards into her rear, her jaws parted and she tipped her head upwards and towards her own right. Since Avalon had been aiming for where Mercy was, her reach would hopefully expose her throat. Not holding back, she aimed for the underside of Avalon's neck. She hoped to intercept her bite by latching onto her face, her top jaw aiming to bite down right under Avalon's left eye, her bottom jaw for the hinge where Avalon's own jaws met. She hoped to bite down hard and achieve a solid hold, gaining control of the slightly taller woman's head. At the same time her front arms sought to wrap around Avalon's neck, her right front leg against the left side, and her left front limb around the right side of her neck. Mercy wanted to interlock her paws behind Avalon's head, hopefully making it impossible for the woman to escape her bite. It was insane to think that this alpha thought she could beat her, Mercy had won once before and she would yet again.

MERCY vs AVALON for MAIM (scarring of left shoulder)
Round 2 of 3



Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.