
Step Lightly


06-18-2013, 02:18 AM (This post was last modified: 07-07-2013, 02:17 AM by Yin.)

And her reason for distrusting and more or less hating the rest of the world was standing right in front of her. It was wolves like him that irritated her to no end. Walking around like they owned the place, like nothing could hurt them, like they knew everything. Some people just needed to wake up and realize that they weren't kings or queens of the world, that they were at the mercy of the world and her will. She could rid them from the face of the planet if she so wished, making it as if they had never existed. Some just needed a real hard bitch slap to the face. Then again, she held nothing personal against this guy, he was just part of the rest of the world, the rest of the world that she so happened to have a problem with. Had Yang been with her he would have calmed her down and spoken the with the man, asking him questions, trying to befriend him. The ache that had sprung up inside of her chest at her separation from her brother pulsed heavily inside of her chest, making her acutely aware that she needed her other half with her. Would he come looking for her or would he wait until she came back to him?

She watched with narrowed eyes, the snarl having died inside her throat as he descended from the rocks, acting as if she was just standing there, expressionless instead of hostile. He landed before her, obsidian sand flying away from his paws at his landing, a grin plastered across his lips as he raised an eyebrow at her, telling her to relax. Onyx whipcord lashed dangerously from side to side, shoulders rolling as she fought to control herself and the anger that was bubbling beneath the surface. Who are you to tell me what to do? she rumbled, a hint of a growl tingeing her words as he began firing questions at her. Lips remained pulled back against her gums, pearly dentures gleaming against the pale light of the moon. Say, you're not alone are you? Your scent is mixed, you were traveling with someone. A relative maybe? Did you get separated? Chased away? An argument perhaps? Or maybe you just wanted to get some air? Either way, my question was not answered. As for me, I'm just...out for a stroll. So he had scented Yang on her. She had expected as much. Nosy bastard. No, I came with my brother Yang. I left him behind near the battlefield because I hate waiting around. She snorted at the last set of words, not believing them for a second, his scent having told her otherwise. I'm not the only who's scent is mixed. Where is your sister? Did she decide to leave you behind? Or were you separated? Yin boldly threw out her assumption that his traveling companion was his sister, though she knew she was more than likely right. Sarcasm laced her words as she turned the tables around and presented him with his own questions. Treat others as you wished to be treated. Yin was excellent at that. Whenever it came to being pissed and sarcastic-like, that is.

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