
Plan A down the drain



9 Years
08-28-2016, 06:54 PM (This post was last modified: 08-28-2016, 06:55 PM by Xephyris.)

The song that Soleil cast to wrangle him in to her was not missed. He heard her voice, and he would obey. Xephyris had been lingering in the south for a while, taking tabs on any wolves remaining from what once was Myriad. He had plans to travel north in the near future, but not until he saw his dream-woman returned safely. So when she called for his presence, he wasted no time in setting out toward her, crossing territories to find her. Her familiar and tantalizing scent filled his nostrils as he breathed in the heady summer air, and he followed her trail. It wasn't long until her beautiful frame was visible, at which point he picked up his pace until he'd reached her. "Bonjour," he called out, trying out the new greeting he'd learned, "You look lovely, beautiful, as usual." He smiled, his normally stony expression warm as he approached her, his paws not stopping until he had invaded her space, touching his nose to the side of her neck and inhaling her scent.

He wondered how her search had gone, but judging by the way she was alone, no other scents mingling with her pelt, it would seem that she hadn't been successful. It was unfortunate, but he was glad she had come back unscathed. At least she hadn't run into any dangers. As he'd been waiting, Xephyris had gotten to thinking about his future plans. How he would precisely describe them to her would be a challenge, but he wanted her to join him in his endeavors. He could never give up on her, and there was nothing he would do without thinking of her as well. He was going to raise up a kingdom from the ground, to build a fortress where he and the wolves he cared about would be safe. He wanted her as a part of that.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: bHJYJQZ.png]