
hit me with your best shot

Mercy I


5 Years

08-28-2016, 08:37 PM

My my, it would seem that this girl was more dirty than she first thought. Her black marked brows shot skyward before an easy chuckle slipped through her lips. "There isn't much you can tell me about anger, pretty sure I know more than my fair share," she spoke of a pretty face, and Mercy couldn't help but glance at the younger girls form. Ah, what a clever little girl. "It would seem like you are not a stranger to a pretty faces, either," Mercy said with a purr. The similarities between the two personalities was uncanny, she really was just like she had been in her younger years. It was probably very, very wrong of her to play into the young dames game, but she couldn't help it. It was a dance she knew the steps to very well, and it was nice to run into another female who could keep up with her. Usually when she met other women like this, it ended in a fight, or just didn't start at all. But there was something different about this dark damsel, and it had her intrigued.

She grew even more curious when the other said that she didn't sleep with men. Oh? So she played for the other team then, eh? Interesting... Mercy herself had yet to lay with a wolf of the same sex, but that wasn't without trying. She played the same game with them, but it just never seemed to turn out well for her. Maybe she was too much to handle, or maybe she just hadn't met the right woman. If this girl was a bit older, she might just dive all the way in. But if she kept talking this way, it wouldn't be hard to sway her otherwise. Besides, it wouldn't seem like she was the first, anyhow. A wolf was not born this good at it, that back talk had to have a starting point. Mercy nodded in agreement, blood was fun. "Macabre paintings on my coat in someone elses blood, and then howling out someone's name. Now that is a good night," she said with a toothy grin, a shiver running down her spine. She looked the broad over once more, humming softly to herself. "But you've got quite the mouth on you, little girl," she hissed out the words, a single brow cocking to put more emphasis on the words. "Weren't you ever taught to not talk to strangers like that? More so strangers who like to bite?" She asked in a silky tone, letting out a sultry giggle. She was pretty much preaching to the choir, she had been a year old herself when she had not one, but two pretty serious relationships.

This chick had some serious lady balls. She snapped her teeth by her nose and she didn't even flinch, making Mercy lean back with an appreciative look in her purple eyes. As she listened to the dames words, her ears pulled forward in interest. A dirty, dirty girl indeed. The innuendo was not lost on her, she understood quite well what she was referring to. Her own tongue flicked out to dampen her own lips, which she then smacked together loudly. "I haven't, but not from a lack of trying," she said in a casual voice, shrugging her shoulders slightly. She stood up then, taking a few more steps closer to her. She hummed once again, walking around the girl in a tight circle. "Unless you wanted to change that, my little dark devil," she cooed, leaning forward to whisper it in her ear. Okay so, maybe she was tossing all caution to the wind. But it was obvious that, if it did go further, that Mercy wasn't her first. She would hate to be the one to corrupt someone, maybe only a little, but this girl was already far gone. She might as well enjoy what she had been offered. Walking back to the girls front, she tilted her head to the side. "I'm Mercy Guerrero, by the way. My parents had an odd sense of irony, apparently," she said with a dark growl. That was a topic she did not want to breech on, and the reason why her last name had changed.


Art by endless-adventure

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.