
Step Lightly


06-18-2013, 02:58 AM
Hansel brushed his nose with his forepaw, black against the white mask under his nose. She was a tough one, he could tell. Obviously she was pissed, and the way she stared at him made him feel like he did something to her that he actually didn't do. What was her problem? Was she upset because she was alone without her brother? Just like he without his sister? Was it possible she just couldn't do without...? Perhaps they did have something in common. He opened his eyes again, the itch gone from his muzzle now. He kept his paw I mid air as he sat and extended it forward, creating a line of sand between them. He glanced at her, his expression less comical, but still keeping friendliness on. He didn't feel like fighting, and with her, he knew that any little thing would set her off...his sister would know how to approach this. He was but the opposite of her, knowing nothing about other Females other then his sister. They were very close, he had never know what it was like to have a mate, let alone a girlfriend or a crush...and in his mind, he always thought that the chances of that ever happening would be close to zero. Who would want a wolf like him? Outside, he showed a demeanor that said he didn't care...but on the inside, he felt lonely...

Clearing his throat, he glanced at this guarded and very ticked off dame. "I just asked some simple questions, no need to bite my head off about it. He shrugged. his cut began to bleed again, he had forgotten about it until he rubbed his muzzle. Causing it to reopen. It was a deep cut, one that had already begun to smell of infection...especially with the sand that kept whipping into his face, it wouldn't heal properly. Not to mention his lack of medicinal knowledge...his sister usually helped him out."To be honest...I did get separated from my sister...I have no idea where she is, or whether she is alive or dead." His eyes watered a little at the thought of finding his sister dead somewhere in the forest...what if that thing had killed her? He'd be alone, never again to laugh or joke with her, or tell her that he loved her and that she was the best sister a guy could ask for. Blinking away the liquid formation, he looked at this she-wolf. She knew where her brother was, did she not cherish what he did? He'd give anything to have her at his side right now, she'd at least know how to keep another from trying to rip his tail off. For now, he just put on a mask to hide his falling heart.