
A merry pair are we



7 Years

08-29-2016, 03:03 AM
Laying in a crumpled heap beneath her jaws, he heard her snicker through a mouthful of his skin and felt her grip tighten, her fangs piercing his skin. He felt oddly delighted by the way she was enjoying causing him pain. She was a wicked mistress, and the more she showed her true colors, the more he liked it. He gasped in momentary relief as she relinquished her hold on the skin of his ear, a shiver running through him as she then gently kissed the wound she'd left. Then she moved slowly by his left side, reaching toward his neck to graze him with a canine tooth, causing him to curl his toes against the hard ground. It was the closest thing to affection that he'd felt in so long, he couldn't help but to let a pleased hum pass his lips as she paused to nibble at him, his neck curving against her touch as his skin set on fire. And then she bit him again, to which he responded with a startled grunt of pain, breathing deeply when she returned to her gentler caresses. He wasn't going to to stop her - he rather liked it all, the way the adrenaline flooded his bloodstream when she chomped down hard, and the way his body ached for her when she touched him gently. She toyed with him any way she wanted, and Ehrgeiz lay there complacently, his long, black-tipped tail thumping the ground as she gave in to her own whims, using his body as her play thing.

Then she changed the game again, her nose gliding down his side easily until she reached the underside of his ribcage, causing him to freeze. What was she doing? An overwhelming wave of desire washed over him - he was sure he was about to burst into flames at any moment - and he had to tense muscles to stop himself doing something stupid. He turned his head just slightly, craning his neck around to watch her, although he could feel her, as her nose slowly, very slowly, inched closer to the fire raging between his legs. But he did not miss the cruel smile that flashed across her face - he was not too stupid to believe that she was actually trying to please him. Was she... was she going to bite him? Real fear ripped through him, ears folding back as she paused; was this all really worth it? He began to fear that he might actually die today. Perhaps he had truly offended her. Oh, what had he gotten himself into? Yet, as his breathing increased to a near state of panic, a light whine of terror escaping him, he felt like he couldn't move, like there was nothing he could do. The only thing he could do was tuck his tail further, hoping it would provide him any sort of protection against her deadly jaws. Surely by now she could hear not only his breathing, but his pounding heart as well.

When she spoke, his blue eye flew open - he wasn't sure at what point he had squeezed it shut. Did she... what? What had she said? Did he know what she wanted him to do? He didn't have a clue. He could barely think. If she had wanted to torment him and do things her way, force him to realize who was really in charge, she had certainly accomplished all of that. He'd never known he could feel so much all at once, and he'd never felt like he had so little control. "N-no..." he murmured in response to her question, his voice hardly reaching more than a whisper. Finally she pulled her head away from his belly, at which point he relaxed just slightly, his tail drooping as he tried to stand just slightly; maybe he wasn't going rip him apart in the most gruesome way he'd imagined. Instead, she stepped forward until her left shoulder was aligned with his left hip. A seemingly playful gesture, she brushed her muzzle against the back of his thigh just as he had done to her, tossing his lush tail upward, and warmth returned to his body after the ice that had frozen in his veins only moments ago. His legs trembled from the extreme fluctuation in hormones. This was all a little bit much, but was it worth the risk? Of course it was.

Despite the sensation of impending death that was just seconds behind him, he would chance it all again as he was drawn towards her lure once more. Her tail flicked aside, batting him in the nose as she demanded that he show her how much he hated her. He grinned, a dark chuckle escaping him. "As you wish," he replied in a low voice. Well, hate was kind of a strong word now, wasn't it? He wasn't sure if he hated her or loved her after this, but he wasn't about to argue with her or sit around trying to figure it out. Instead, a pitiful whine left him before it morphed into a desperate growl, his mind going blank as rational thoughts left him. Somehow his legs supported him as he stood fully and curved his body so that he could move behind her again. His excitement growing once more, his snout reached forward, brushing roughly past her tail that she had moved aside as he pressed closer to her. His head reached around the feminine curve of her hip as he tried to press the front his chest against her rump, his chin moving in an upward sweep until it rested over her lower back, inhaling her scent greedily as he did so. Again he would try to rear up on his hind legs, his forelegs reaching desperately for her waist. Please, please... this time, just... hold.. still, his desperate mind pleaded. He was so close. He would try again to pull himself closer to her, his breath coming sharply. If she wanted hatred now, he would give it to her - and he had a lot of it just waiting to be released. With a growl, he tried to press into her once more.

-attempted fade-
[Image: y4S12Nx.png]