
just let go


06-18-2013, 04:28 PM

The distance between them was significant, and Alessa felt like it was just a bit too far from him. She had after all just been pressed against him not too long ago, so there had to be no problem with her being closer to him now. Despite her mistrust of others, she could feel herself enjoying his company. It had been some time since she had been around another like this. The creamy, peach tinted dame rose to her paws, disregarding any dirt that clung to her pelt, slowly padding closer to Killian. She stopped about a foot away, allowing her limbs to fold beneath her as she assumed the same position as he, ivory plume curling around her haunches as she settled herself, mismatched gaze focusing on the boy in front of her.

He presented her with a smile for her question, shrugging as he told her that it felt much better. A small smile upturned her pale lips. I'm glad your paw feels better. It was just another day for her, another someone she had been able to provide assistance to. After he regained his proper ability to walk, would she see him again? Part of her wished to see him again, but then again she didn't think she would. She hardly ran into the same wolf twice. And then he was speaking again, thanking her for having helped him. She lowered her head against her paws, adverting her mismatched gaze. You don't need to thank me. Helping others is what I do. she answered quietly, honesty ringing true in her words.

Alessa allowed her gaze to fall to the water, watching as the clear liquid rushed past the water, traveling to who knows where. Audits flickered towards Killian, a question reaching her ears. Where did you come here from? Fiery and icy pools fixated themselves on the earthen boy before her once more, pale lips parting to speak. I don't know. Somewhere I guess. I don't have a home. Never did. She watched his quietly, wondering how he would react to her response.

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