
i know your hope is heavy



10 Years
Extra large
08-29-2016, 05:05 PM
It was near impossible for him to even pretend he might be the type to enjoy blood; though he enjoyed a good fight as much as any fighter might, he didn't wish for the suffering of others. He was much more interested in his own state of being to worry about such things.  He gaze followed her as she leaned close, her tongue lashing against his leg - his grin widened, amusement flickering in his stare. She was a bold one, wasn't she?  "Oh, your coat is plenty pretty," he retorted lightly, his gaze roving over her again.  "I wouldn't complain." It could be worse. Many wolves were born with plain coats, unadorned with markings - he definitely thought they'd gotten the better end of things than some.

He was happy to stand with her dancing around him. He enjoyed the sounds of the pretty bells and he light pawsteps that took her in a circle. When she stopped to move to the riverside, he moved also, eventually dipping a paw into the cool water.  "I'm not a big swimmer myself," he admitted.  "Though I have no plans for the evening either." He usually didn't have plans, but rather enjoyed doing as he pleased, figuring things out as he went.

A question seemed to linger on her tongue for a bit, and he'd glance at her as she formulated it. It didn't make him panic - instead, he found himself laughing again at her suggestion.  "Why do you ask?" the man inquired, his tone somewhat accusatory, in a playful manner.  "My sisters bear similar coats. If you're interested, I can certainly lead you to them..." He grinned cheekily, choosing to respond to her teasing with more of his own.