



7 Years

08-29-2016, 06:50 PM

He nodded his head when he mentioned the flooding, it was something that he never wanted to see repeated. He had lost too many wolves since running this pack, and he didn't want to add to that number. Last seasons flooding had been far less then several years ago, but he had no doubt that it would happen again. It was the curse of picking an area with not only a river, but a lake as well. He had considered moving territories before, but the rapids had been part of Abaven since its birth. His kids had grown up there, and had learned to be careful around the waters edge. He was brought back to the current conversation when Kakashi spoke of Quake once more, making the man let out a sigh. It would seem that she was more attached to Starling than he had thought. His absence had effected far more people than the boy probably knew, and it made the Primo a touch angry. He was acting so selfishly, and even though he missed him dearly, he hoped that he wouldn't come back until he realized what he had done. He was too old to be playing games like this. "I knew she had grown attached to him, but I never realized how dependent she was on him. I guess it's because they share similar traits, perhaps he was helping her become stronger herself," Bass offered, eying the older gentleman. He was thankful for him, that he had come here and taken over as a guardian for Quake. While he tried his best, he was already struggling to balance his own kids and the pack. Adding another to the mix... well she hadn't been getting the attention that she deserved, or needed for that fact.

He hoped that his son being stupid didn't mess up Quake's chances. He never thought that they would get that close though, but he had been fooled before. The pale man let out a heavy sigh, nodding along with Kakashi's words. He would try to talk to her, but he had a feeling that she wouldn't be the same until Starling came home. Vali was a gentle soul, but would she think that they were trying to force something on her if he sent her her way? The gears ground in his head, and he shuffled from paw to paw. "I can try having a talk with her, I am not sure we can help her until Starling makes her way home... but I won't give up on her," Bass said, his brows pulling together. He wasn't just going to sit by and watch her slip further into depression.
