
A merry pair are we



Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamous
08-29-2016, 08:54 PM
Sabine was riding a terribly cruel high. While she would probably never have a true understanding of what she was putting Ehrgeiz through, she was very aware of the fear that gripped him. She could smell his terror on him and yes, his lust too. It was a cute combination made all the more sweet by the belief that his fear and submission made him...less. In a weird way it was soothing. Reassuring. Sabine tore through life trying to right a wrong bestowed upon her at birth. As a child she had been constantly underestimated and as an adult she overcompensated for her (supposed) weakness by humiliating others. That Ehrgeiz appeared cowed stroked her ego.

Perhaps this would have gone down differently had the roles been reversed. Having someone grip her waist required her to relinquish more control than she cared to give. The whole process, enjoyable or not, relied far too heavily on someone else's action. If she thought flipping him over and sitting on him would have produced the same results she'd had done it. As it was, his submissive behavior assured her that he was well aware of who was truly in control. "One wrong move," she assured herself. One wrong move and she would tear him apart.

Ehrgeiz chuckled before replying, the sound grating on her taunt nerves and undermining her confidence. She frowned skeptically, wondering if he was perhaps enjoying her rough treatment a little too much, and then a piteous whine left his lips. The sound was mollifying for her. He sounded desperate. Needy. She'd managed to wrap him around her little finger, hadn't she? Good.

Sabine heart really began to hammer when Ehrgeiz circled around behind her. She wasn't messing with him this time; this was real and it was going to happen. His chest bumped into her rump and the sound of her heart pounding in her ears grew deafening. A soft growl left her lips before she could stop it, her lips curling in a warning he couldn't see. In a heartbeat he had found his way onto her back, his smaller chest nestled into the hollow above her hips and his legs gripping her waist. She wanted this, she really did, but letting go was hard.

Sabine gritted her teeth in agitation. She wasn't having second thoughts, fuck no. This was her boy. She owned him. He knew it, she knew it, so they may as well get to fucking already, right? The giantess shoved backwards and the two met somewhere in the middle.


[Image: bK4cZNp.png]