
I'm just a sucker for pain


08-29-2016, 09:28 PM

Ira hopped up onto a solid square of weirdly flat stone that had weird pieces of wood and stuff sticking out of it here and there. She didn't know what the hell this thing was, but it seemed like it might be a good perch for the time being. She padded over to what looked like a bit of wall where it was casting a shadow and flopped down onto her stomach. At least this rock was kinda cool in the shade and the shadow was a good bit cooler than the sun that was beating down. "Fucking summer..." she mumbled grumpily as she crossed her forepaws in front of her and rested her head on her paws. She was glad she didn't have dark fur like some suckers she had seen. She could only imagine what kind of hell that was like. Her eyes blinked several times and a yawn stretched her jaws at one point as she fought off sleep till she just couldn't and she passed out. The warmth was both suffocating and sleep inducing. Not to mention the fact that she had been walking for what felt like weeks and she was just plain tired.

"Rava! Get over here!" The meek girl hurried to her father's side, her ears back and head down submissively. She stared at the ground, only daring to stare at the dirt between his paws. Her breathing was shallow like it always was when he was around. She hated when her father showed up. She wished he would just go away and stay away. "Did you practice your fighting like I told you to?" Dread sank into her stomach. Of course she hadn't. She hated fighting. But if she lied she'd be in trouble. She knew he would have asked their mother already about it and there's no way she would have lied for her. But she was going to be in trouble for not doing it to. Reluctantly, she slowly shook her head no and the repercussions were quick and immediate. Pain sliced through her as his teeth grabbed ahold of her scruff and sliced through her skin. She was too big for him to just toss like he used to now, but that didn't stop him from shaking hard and ripping through her skin, shaking her off her paws.

Rava jolted awake with a gasp, her golden gaze flying open. Her heart was pounding hard in her chest and she glanced around in a panic. It was the middle of the night now and everything was so dark. She didn't think anyone was there though... at least her father wasn't at the very least.

Ira shook her head hard with a growl, her claws scratching across the stone. "Get the fuck out of here, Rava. You weak bitch," she mumbled under her breath while she pushed herself to her paws. She staggered a bit till she could right herself with a shake, letting a breath out in a sigh. She fucking hated those dreams. She padded forward and hopped down off the old farmhouse foundation and looked around at the empty world around her. At least it seemed empty. She caught a wolf's scent on the breeze and her brows lifted with interest. Who else was out so late?

"Ira Talks" "Rava Talks" Think