
welcome back

Sora I


3 Years
08-29-2016, 09:41 PM
As Sora waited for the pup’s reply they had pinned their ears against their head, had she done something to make them fear her? She wondered this as the pup said their name, Alina Latchme. LATCHME! she would scream mentally with her eyes dilating. Her last name was Latchme too, what had happened during the time she was away? Had her family reformed and she knew nothing about it, had her parents had another litter? The wolf’s thoughts were frantic with thoughts of how this newfound relative had come into the world. They had said that their mother was not far behind them, was it her mother, had one of her brothers found a mate and had a litter? “I’m an Aunt!” She would yell not being aware that she had said it til a couple seconds after the words had already left her mouth. “or I have a sister one of the two.” Sora was ecstatic with joy that she had failed to hear the question that had been asked about Alisa. “I’m Sora, nice to meet you.” She would get as close as she dared to the pup and go into a play bow position wagging her tail high in the air.
The Fennec fox on the other hand was calm but happy, she thought it was fun to see her friend like this. She was happy that Sora had discovered an unknown relative, she chuckled watching the antics of her wolf companion. “I’m Alisa, I’m a fennec fox. I am a close friend of Sora’s, I simply hadn’t spoken to you directly because most wolves simply don’t notice me unless I make them.” The fox would get a mischievous grin on her face whilst saying the last couple of words. This was going to be a fun ride to be a part of.
[Image: oeFbF2h.png]
[Image: sora_by_nnightcrawler-dais0jt.png]
Sora has a Fennec fox companion who is unless otherwise stated is with her. Alisa's speech is orange Sora's speech is green