
broken-hearted lovers



7 Years
Extra large
Athena I

08-29-2016, 10:54 PM

It seemed like all he did these days was sit at the top of the falls and stare out over the rushing water at the world below. He liked how the view spanned the whole of the area and even looked out over the Mangroves in the distance. It at least made for a pretty view for him to take in while he pondered his life and all of his thoughts. He hadn't really let himself leave Fiori's borders much, especially not recently since Ama was gone on a trip. He didn't like leaving his mothers alone for too long anyway, but he felt especially protective of her while his other mother was gone. That did cause some problems for him though since everything he wanted to be doing and seeing weren't here. He kept thinking back about the last times he had seen most of his brothers, about the few memories he had with his father, about the bitter memories Arivae had left him with. He hated that those things distracted him from the here and now, from his mothers and his sisters, from Fiori. But they did.

The one good thing about this spot was when he got too overwhelmed thinking about those other things he could think about the day he had spent here with Finch and that made him smile. He didn't know how a girl that he had seen twice now could make him smile so much, but that day was up there in his favorite memories. The pretty, shy girl and her overly enthusiastic bird friend... Just thinking about her now brought a small smile to his lips. Maybe he should go see about visiting her... He knew roughly where Abaven, it probably wouldn't be that hard to find it. He'd have to wait for Ama to get back of course, but as soon as she came back he could go and see her. He hoped she wouldn't mind him dropping in-

His train of thought cut off when he realized all the sudden that he could faintly smell Finch's scent. His dark ears perked with surprise and he hurriedly got to his paws. He paused to make sure he wasn't imagining it, but as soon as he was sure he turned toward it and hurried to go find her. He realized she was probably at the border and sure enough he spotted her small, pale form sitting there at the invisible line that separated the rest of the world from Fiori. His tail started wagging as soon as he spotted her, a smile pulling across his lips. "Finch!" he called happily as he got closer, but his smile faltered when he realized how upset she looked. "What's wrong?" he asked as he stopped in front of her, sitting on his haunches and dipping his head down so that he could be in her eye line, his mismatched eyes searching her face and even glancing up at her friend for clues.

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