
Metal to Rust



4 Years

08-30-2016, 07:02 PM

Peregrine had always found the concept of 'delicacy' to be a tricky one. How was she expected to be 'delicate' with her actions or words when they were not physical things? Or at least that had been her argument for as long as she could remember. In this case, the incredibly large male seemed more than a bit surprised at her outburst. A flushing heat grew beneath her fur... Unpleasant.

Luckily, he opened his mouth and something funny came out. She chuckled, "Oh yes, they're terribly flighty features. A real pain in the.. well, you get the picture." She sent him a wink and hoped it would be well received. Testing the man's mettle seemed like it would prove to be quite the entertaining experience. He approved of her unusual scouting anyways, and that alone was good enough for her until she heard that he had grown up in these lands as well. Her ears perked, standing alert and upright atop her head. "You don't say? Well in that case perhaps I'll try to con you out of some information." Another smile, mercury eyes molten with interest. It must have been her lucky day. He introduced himself as Angelus, or Angel, and she almost (almost) laughed. An angel, huh? How fitting.

Curiously, he was interested in how she had won her pack. She nodded, followed by a shrug. "I did. Of the packs I'd crossed paths with one was described as weak, lacking structure. It seemed a good bet, and it was. Here we are." She shrugged again, wondering if he was going to give her that same look that everyone else did. Surprise, sometimes disbelief. She left out the size of the wolf she'd fought, one nearly as big as he was. It seemed pointless. Well if he's going to say anything bring it on, she thought, while subconsciously squaring her shoulders. Aerie was hers now and anyone who doubted she was fit to lead would just have to take it from her.

"Talk" "You" Think