



6 Years
06-18-2013, 06:16 AM

Sarak hadn't made a peep of protest since leaving Valhalla. His quiet nature shining through. It was past dark and honestly, though she didn't show it, Azalea was a bit on the sleepy side. Unlike him she hadn't been curled up asleep.

She was panting, again unlike Sarak. Surely it had been a workout for him too? He only had an inch on her height. It seemed that Sarak was doomed to stay an even thirty-two inches where she seemed to have matured to thirty-one. It hung her mind, the question of whether he was so "short" naturally or by some cause of environment. The wolves of Alacritis came in all sizes, this was true, but the general rule what that males were on the larger side. Even her own siblings. Azalea would have ended up larger, no doubt, if she had not been the runt.

Her joking question to him evoked a reaction, his head tilted and one figurative brow seeming to shoot up. She grinned, unable to help the thoughts that ran through her head. "Wow! Sarak is really cute." Once the thoughts had run she shook her head, eyes a bit wider than they should be, afraid that without realizing it the thoughts would slip out into words. ?You didn't seem to want to stop.? He answered her. She huffed.

They watched each other for a long moment, Azalea sighing as she finally got her core temperature back to where it needed to be. Her heart rate had slowed considerably. She still watched Sarak, even when he no longer watched her. His eyes roaming the area, making sure they were safe. A half smile appeared on her face

?So? What was the mission you spoke of, again?? She looked thoughtful. "Well... I was going to do some hunting or something but now I'm just tired." The last part came out whine-y. A complaint. She rolled over onto her side. Her eyelids were getting heavier and heavier, the excited energy leaving her body. This was a good example of why one should not leave Valhalla at night. It was doubtful that Sarak would get her back before morning, she was a creature of schedule and right now her inner clock was telling her it was time for a good long night of sleep.
