
broken-hearted lovers

Finch I


4 Years

08-31-2016, 02:08 PM

Those soul crushing thoughts kept circulating though her mind as she sat there, stunned into complete and utter silence. She didn't even realize that the man she had been thinking of came running, and Civetta flew over to him before he even reached her. Standing by the tall man's ear, she pulled on some fur to get his attention. Even as he called out of Finch, who still stood there without moving, she knew that something was very wrong with her friend. "She just stopped there like that when she smelled the border marker. She hasn't been in a good mood for a long time," the bird said softly, rubbing her beak along the rim of Tib's ear. Opening her wings, she flew over to Finch's head and landed just in front of her face, right on the bridge of her nose. Letting out a soft tweet, she leaned down and poked her beak between her eyes. When Finch still stood still, she grabbed some fur and pulled, not as softly as she had with Tiburtius either. It was that that finally brought the pale girl out of her head.

Letting out a loud squeak, Finch shook her head to toss of Civetta, her eyes still misty as she focused on everything around her. It was then that she noticed that there was someone standing in front of her. She blinked rapidly, and then she quickly stood up on her paws and took a few steps back. "I... I..." she stuttered, a flush rushing to her cheeks. How could she be so stupid! What was wrong with her, here she was acting like a fool while Tiburtius was looking at her with concern in his eyes. Ugh, she just wanted the earth to swallow her up and hide her away forever. Her ears were flat against her head, her gaze looking at everything but him. Oh look! That branch was super interesting. All stick like... The girl sighed, knowing that she couldn't just stand here and ignore him. She slowly looked up at his features, a rather sheepish look on her face. "I was just looking forward to seeing the waterfalls, that's all," she whispered, falling to her rump as she felt defeated. She wanted to say more, about how this just felt like the rest of her life, she didn't. They didn't know each other too well, and she didn't want him to run away screaming when he found out just how crazy she was. It was far too early for her to speak her darker thoughts, and everything that had happened in her life. Unsure what else to say, and already feeling like a fool, she fell silent.