
Tasting Life



7 Years
08-31-2016, 02:51 PM

It was about time that she made her way home, it had been so long since she had seen her mate and her kids. She had learned so much in her time down here, and she had a large amount of herbs to take home. She had them all bundled up in leaves, some she had some in her mouth, and others she had wrapped around her front legs and tied them with some vines. She was more than eager to head home, and had been gone long enough. While down here, she had been trying to keep her eye out for Razor as well. He had disappeared from Fiori without a single word, and she hoped that she would have found him down here. Without any luck, she hoped that he had found his way home. Taking a drink of fresh water before she left, she stepped on the bank and was about to head back to the main land. Taking one last look behind her, Amalia couldn't help but smile through the leaves. It had been fun, but this was not her home. She would come back some day, maybe even with the girls! But she had promised Leo that she would start a healer training after she got back as well. Knowing she had a lot of work to do, she picked up the pace and started off at an easy lope. Her small legs ate up the ground, but she slowed when a very familiar scent crossed her nose. Was that... Razor? Blinking her dark blue eyes, she looked around and saw the blacked tail male ahead of her. Unable to speak through the leaves, she trotted up to him and brushed her smaller frame against him, her brows drawn together in a confused look. Leaning down, she dropped her bundles and looked at the warm male. "Razor! What are you doing down here? And where did you go? We've been worried sick about you!" she barked, her tone taking on a rather motherly sound.
