
Love is not a choice

Mercy I


5 Years

08-31-2016, 04:54 PM

What was it with taller wolves and always rearing up on her? She wasn't that small! Mercy growled when her paw slam missed, but quickly grounded her leg and shifted her balance to be placed evenly across all of her limbs. Her legs bent slightly as she waited for the larger female to react, an impatient gleam in her eye. She was ready to spill blood, and it just wasn't checking out for her. Her opponent reared up, and her jaws slammed shut on nothing but air. Without much time left to react, Mercy felt the woman's legs wrap around her neck, holding her in place. The pale woman let out a mighty roar, she sought to retaliate quickly. Tipping her head upwards, Mercy attempted to once more intercept the larger woman's jaws. To reach, she attempted to slightly rear upwards herself, only aiming to hover about a foot off of the ground. Her weight shifted once more, spreading evenly across her two hind limbs. Her own head twisted quickly towards her right, her upper jaw seeking to grasp onto the left side of Amachi's face, right where the base of her muzzle met her cheeks, her lower jaw for the same positioning, just on the left side of the striped woman's jaw. Mercy was hoping to gain a solid grip on her face, stopping the other woman from achieving the bite she wished.

There wasn't much else that Mercy could do in this position, with the other woman's legs around her she was pretty much stuck. Growling at this, she attempted to at least solidify her positioning, trying to wrap her legs around Amachi's front limbs. Her own front right leg attempted to wrap around Amachi's front left leg, her ankle trying to wrap around the taller woman's ankle. Mercy tried to do the same with her left front leg, trying to wrap her front left ankle around Amachi's front right leg around the elbow. Hopefully this would aid in her balance, as well as achieving hopefully some sort of grip on the other. Because of their close position, a slam against her opponents chest would do nothing but upset her precarious balance, so she left it alone. She instead focused on keeping her defenses in check and taking as little damage as she could. Her tail tucked inwards, protected her exposed underside somewhat. Her hind grounded limbs were bent slightly, the toes spread and her claws dug into the ground for traction. Her ears remained pinned against her head, her purple eyes narrowed into slits. Mercy's hackles were still raised, her muscles tense across her entire body. Rolled shoulders were useless in a position like this, and because of her aimed bite she could not tuck her chin close to her neck, once again exposing a weak point. She cursed herself, but at least tried to keep her head as inline with her spine as she could. Her lips also curled upwards, bunching up around her eyes and further protecting them. She wasn't going to go down easily.

Round 2 of 3


Art by Evelyn

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.