
Tasting Life



7 Years
08-31-2016, 05:08 PM

She was shocked when he started to cry, and when his head found her neck she licked whatever part of him she could reach, humming softly in an attempt to calm the boy. She couldn't imagine how horrible it would have been, to be so far from home and so very lost. She listened as he spoke, and didn't pull away until after he was done. Amalia leaned forward, trying to lick the salty tears from his face, a gentle smile on her lips. "Oh my dear, dear Razor. You would have broken my heart if you hadn't come home! But I'm so glad you're okay. Are you hurt? Do you need help? Have you eaten anything, or more importantly had anything to drink? It's really warm, you know! I don't want you getting sick, or coming back with some sort of infection. Let me get a look at you!" Everything came rushing out at once as concern touched at her voice, but her little bunny tail was wagging behind her as she inspected everything she could see for the moment. He had spoken about getting herbs, and then having lost them. Silly, silly boy! Such a bad thing to happen, but at least he was here. Razor was alive, and in one piece. A large sigh left her lungs, her shoulders relaxing somewhat. With his condition, anything could have happened. Since they had first met, she felt a special connection with him, and if she lost that... well she would do more than just cry.

Hearing the relieve in his voice was almost enough to break her heart in two. And what where the odds, that she had ran into him on the way home. Maybe now she could stop wearing the leaves on her legs, it was making her more warm! Thankfully he didn't have any episodes, and it sounded like he had at least found something. "I'm sure you are just as eager to get home as I am. Would you mind caring my other bundles on the way home? It will make for a quiet walk, but at least we will be together. It will still take a little bit to get home, maybe three days tops if we settle for a nice lope most of the way. But with this heat, we are going to need to make frequent stops. And of course hunting, I cannot eat more herbs to keep me going anymore," she said with a quick nod, leaning down and untying the herbs from her legs. She let the bundles fall, but grabbed the vines and quickly tossed her head towards her right, swinging them up and over her neck. They draped down just shy of her legs, but she didn't want to lose them. They were great for trips like this, and she wanted to use them back home.
