
Lost and found



8 Years
09-01-2016, 01:02 AM

Abelinda blinked at his word, but she didn't pause in her eating and focused upon it. Simply taking in what was said while also deciding upon how to answer him, as she ripped into the soft and supple flesh of the doe. Aside from the sounds of tearing and eating, was she silent as those ears were upon him. Carefully taking her bites, stripping the doe of the best cuts and organs within, more then something her body craved. Within a few minutes she was done, full for once in so many moons. Taking a few moments to groom herself, did she turn that gaze to him. “Amara wanted to go with, rather then fight with her on the subject I took her.” Short and simple, and it wasn't just because she stole the child, a child that was rightfully hers. “And what concerns did Avalon have about my disappearance?” A simple question, knowing she best learn of what had happened with him and yet Avalon's reasons may have been just a sound as Liar's worry was.

“A wise leader never truly trust easily; one can attempt to do so..but is a foolhardy move.” Knowing one can put their faith into another rather quickly if they so choose to do so, but a wise ruler never truly did fully put their faith or trust in one. There was no telling what the out come maybe, sometimes it was well placed while more often then not it was met with disappointment. “I'll do my best to teach Greed.” It was all she could say, then again it had been so long since Abelinda had upheld those traditions. “I'm afraid it's not an illness a herb can heal, Liar; only time.” For winter and old age did not get along, much less with her. The cold was no kind, not in her old age.