
Good to be Home

Sparrow I


7 Years
09-01-2016, 12:19 PM
Sparrow nodded as Bass told her of the family tradition to theme their children's names. She understood that and often thought of what she should theme her kids' names.

The conversation got serious again. She agreed you couldn't make a pack whatever you wanted it to be just by sheer will alone. She wondered how anyone could do it for as long as her father had. He said she wouldn't have to follow Karabela and the chocolate cream girl smiled. She knew she didn't have to. If Abaven wasn't Abaven anymore, she could technically do whatever she wanted forever.

LArk had suggested Tinaro? Sparrow thought for a moment, her eyes searching the skies. She hummed as she thought, "I... don't know anything about him, really, so I don't know." She shrugged. She really had no opinions.

"If you and Lark disagree, it's ultimately up to you. Why did you suggest Karabela and why did Lark suggest Tinaro? I think you both should think carefully about the pros and cons of any wolf that you decide to appoint as the leader." She felt like that was all she could offer on the matter.

When speaking of Lillianna, her father caught her smile and Sparrow felt the heat under her fur. "S-sorry," she stammered, suddenly feeling a little ashamed, even though her father didn't seem upset.

Her father started talking about how training was in order and Sparrow nodded in agreement. He said that this was their home and that he would always be there for them. Sparrow felt her stomach turn a little. She wanted her family, but she worried they would always think she abandoned them if she didn't stay by their sides forever. At the same time, she worried about them leaving her.

He said he wished she had come to him sooner with these concerns and she apologized quietly, "It's just hard when you know your dad is the alpha and you know he has a lot on his mind. You don't want to worry him with anything trivial. That's why I've always thought hard about an issue before I said anything."

Her father booped his nose to hers and the small girl wrinkled her snout, giggling until she snorted.

"Maybe I should go see everyone else then, huh? Before all of... this happens." Sparrow's tone was light and she offered a smile. She pressed herself into her father's chest, "Thank you for everything..."