
Good to be Home



7 Years

09-01-2016, 01:06 PM

Sparrow was a very honest girl, and he was enjoying their conversation. She was being a lot more open than she had been in the past, and he felt closer to her already. She was so nonchalant about the whole thing, and he was glad that she had taken her little trip. It was obvious that she had needed it, she had come back a lot lighter than when she had left. She spoke about weighing the pros and cons, and he nodded his head slowly. She was right, and it was something that he would talk over with both Lark and Tinaro. "I suggested Karabela solely for the fact that she had come to me and spoke of a pack. As much as I now long to retire and spend time with you guys, I'm not going to just hand a pack to someone who isn't ready, or someone who I think is incompetent. Either way, there is going to be some pretty intense training going on here," Bass said with a sigh. It was going to be a lot of work, but he knew that it would pay off in the long run.

Bass shrugged off her apology, just grinning at her. He didn't care much, he knew that she seemed to have this thing against her and wouldn't give up on her thoughts. In a way, he was proud of her for not giving up on something that she believed in. When it came to not telling him things though, his ears pinned somewhat, his shoulders drooping. "I want you to be able to come to me with anything, no matter what. I may be your alpha, but I'm your father first. Okay?" He said softly, grinning as she laughed at his little boop. She wanted to go see everyone else too, so he nodded his head and stepped back, giving her room to leave as she pleased. "I'm sure your siblings are going to be really excited to see you home again."
