
Homeward Bound



7 Years

09-01-2016, 05:14 PM

He looked at Starling, who stood at an equal height with him, and just let out a sigh as he spoke. He wanted to come home, if he was welcome. Bass' eyes closed as he let out another breath through his nose, his ears pulling back against his head. "Non avrei mai girare lontano da casa tua ..." he whispered, opening his yellow eyes to peer at the boy. Could he even really call himself that? Out of all of his children, he was always most surprised when he remembered that Starling was three years old. It didn't seem like it, he had always been the more immature than the others. Running from his problems, and always seeming to not hear what anyone was saying. Perhaps he got it from his mother. As terrible as it sounded, it was true. The more gentle, docile nature was all hers, while he faced his problems head on. Appraising the boy, one again steeling his face from the pain that had flashed across his face. Did he think that he would toss him out, just because of his actions? There was no doubt that he thought that, but it was so far from the truth. "Hai fatto male più lupi di quello che hai realizzato con partenza . Ti sei perso molto qui , quando abbiamo bisogno di più . Scrupolo è caduto in una depressione senza te qui , piangere quando viene menzionato il tuo nome. Finch non è certo di casa , è andata più spesso di quanto lei è qui ora . Sparrow ha lasciato così , ed è appena tornato a casa come bene. E Lark ..." he paused there, his shoulders simply shrugging. Lark was a hard one to read, so was Pippit. "Ho a malapena vedere i tuoi fratelli più piccoli più, mi sento come la nostra famiglia sta cadendo a pezzi ," He wasn't blaming Starling for this, and he made that clear by dropping his guard. His shoulders sagged, and he lowered himself into a seated position. Did Starling see what everyone else had lately? How tired and old their father appeared now? He felt it, and this whole ordeal with his family just kept dragging him down.

He seemed to use Italian more with Starling than anyone else, as he knew that he was more comfortable with it. It was easier for Bass too, the words flowed from his tongue faster and with less emotion than with their native tongue, as he had to think a bit harder about what he was saying. "Hai capito proprio quello che abbiamo cercato di dirvi in tutti questi anni , Starling ? Non voglio più dramma scintille su, non in questo momento ," Bass said softly, shaking his head back and forth. He was done with the fights, done with him not seeing what everyone else saw in him. He couldn't hold him up anymore, it was sink or swim.
