
i know your hope is heavy



6 Years

09-02-2016, 03:10 PM (This post was last modified: 09-20-2016, 11:47 PM by Jaelle.)

Apparently he found her pretty, she could feel his blood coloured eyes roaming around her coat. She smiled at him, her bell wrapped tail wagging behind her slowly. Jaelle found herself rather plain, but he wasn't the first to be interested in her coat. It was just a whole hell of a lot of grey, her eyes the only real contradiction to them. He told her not to complain, and she poked her tongue out at him cheekily. She would complain all she pleased, there were a lot prettier coats out there. But, it was her own, and there was no changing it now. Well, unless she wanted to roll in blood or berried. She snickered at herself, laughing at her own joke. This wolf was definitely a special one. She supposed that there were wolves around here with just one solid colour, at least she got a mix of different greys to set her apart. Mm, perhaps she didn't have any room to complain. Looking up at the tusked wolf, she smiled and tilted her head to the side. "I'm flattered then, really. But how many strange woman do you stumble upon and call pretty, mm?" she asked in a teasing matter. This was just too fun, it had been awhile since someone played this nicely with her.

The giant brute was not a swimmer, it would seem, but neither was she... for the moment. It would seem like his evening was wide open, and she peered at him from the corner of her eye. "I'm not really one for plans anyways, I like to come and go as I please. See the world and all within it, maybe steal and ravage some things..." she said, tossing a wink at the gentleman. Jaelle was one to go with the flow, she didn't care much for rules or deadlines. She tried out a pack, mostly because she was grateful to them for saving her life, but she liked her freedom too much. A packs borders were far too small for her, she needed wide open spaces and the wind in her fur. It did make her miss her troupe though, she hadn't seen anyone for quite some time now. A frown touched on her lips, but she tried to shrug it off. Now was not the time to grow depressed, not in the company of a lovely wolf like the one beside her. Although, she had to admit, she was growing a bit bored of not knowing his name. Withdrawing one of her paws from the water, she shook it off and looked back at the tusked man, her ears fully pricked on her head. "By the way, my assigned sound is Jaelle, if you feel like using it," she offered, looking at him and hoping that he would share his as well. As much fun as 'sir, brute' and 'gentlemen' were, a name would kind of be nice after all. Sometimes all of her games didn't work out in the end.

Jaelle pouted when she was unable to make the giant male squirm. Aww, no fun! But it would seem like she was messing around with quite the expert, and he twisted it around on her. She narrowed her eyes playfully when he suggested going to find his sisters, his implications quite clear. While she found other woman pretty and they were nice to look at, she wasn't quite interested in them in that manner. "I am sure they are quite lovely, if they have a brother like you," she said with a soft laugh, turning and looking back down at the river below them. "But that might spoil our fun here, eh? All their attention would be on me, and there would be none left for you!" Grinning, she looked back up at him with a wag of her tail, her bells singing out once more.


Unless otherwise stated, Giet (Goat the stoat) is always with Jaelle. He is grumpy and mean, and may not always say nice things.