
A Luminous Dream Is There Waiting [AW]



4 Years
09-02-2016, 05:34 PM
ooc: Sorry for the wait! -flails- If you'd be interested I could have Balthazaar have a vague understanding of Caia or we can have them try to navigate the language barrier unassisted. I'm cool either way! :)

dark mists are cloaking what the eyes can see

Naudir felt her gut clench. She'd never been so close to one of the gods before and she was focused so intently on the woman she didn't even feel her companions claws biting harder into her shoulder. Would the goddess respond? She seemed awfully intent on something beneath her paws and Naudir would slowly turn her gaze down only to feel a swelling crush of vertigo that forced her to shut her eyes. This place seemed so… unnatural. Had she somehow crossed into the realm of the gods without realizing it?

At last the stranger would respond, not seeming to understand. Oh! Oh, so this goddess wasn't Nótt? Naudir tried to hide her confusion. She'd been so certain that with such a starry pelt the woman could only be the night goddess but if she was another than which one was it? She gazed past Naudir and the girl would peer behind her for a second before turning back to the woman, feeling her fur stand on end. Was something here? Some sort of spirit that only the star-pelted stranger could see?

When the woman spoke again it was not in a tongue that she even remotely recognized. She'd picked on snippets of many languages but this one was quite foreign to her. "I… I don't know what you're saying." She tried to remember back to her mother's lessons. Did the gods speak a discernible tongue? "Which of the nine realms do you hale from?" She glanced to Balthazaar, noticing the looking of keen intensity in his gaze. Did he understand the woman at all?