
Gotta raise a little hell

Mercy I


5 Years

09-02-2016, 10:44 PM

This morning I woke up with this feeling, I didn't know how to deal with and so I just decided to myself I'd hide it to myself and never talk about it

She watched him with narrowed eyes as he started to breath, and she was about to bitch him out all over again. But this time, she just left it. They were getting nowhere with all this yelling, and sooner or later they needed to calm down before someone lost a limb. He had thought that by waiting, that he was proving it to her that way. She wanted to snap at him for being so stupid, but as her anger melted away she realized that she hadn't really laid out what she expected. In fact, she had never told him anything about what she wanted or hoped for, because she had been so afraid to put a label on what they were. Her brother abandoning her had done more damage than she realized, and it was something that she didn't really want to think about right now. Mercy could tell that he was thinking over his words more before he spoke, and she allowed him the time she needed. Her own hackles were down, and her boiling anger was down to a simmer now. There was stil very much a chance for him to add some heat, but for right now she was calm enough to really listen to what he was saying without it going in one ear in out the other. She hadn't realized that he had been left alone as well, it wasn't really something that they had talked about. Her frown deepened, but she said nothing on the matter -- for now. That fact was stored away for later, now was not the time to go on about things like that.

He went on to explain that she was his greatest challenge, and she just blinked at him when the words started to pour out. The pale woman fell to her rump, her mind reeling at everything that he was saying. Her jaw hung slack as he went on to toss sweet words at her, something that she didn't deserve after everything that she had just said to him. Not in a million years would she have thought that she would have a relationship like this, or someone that cared about her in the manner. It sounded like he was going to confess a very strong feeling for her, a feeling that she wasn't ready to even admit to herself, let alone to say or hear. There was only a little space left between them, and while Mercy was feeling so utterly confused, she closed the gap and pressed her chest into Gethin's, although her own body was tense. She was at a loss for words, which was something for the usually loud creature. Her heart was skipping beats, her thoughts stammering into one big long word. She didn't know what to say, so she just said nothing. Pressing her neck hesitantly into his, she just stood there for a long while, abandoning her post on the ground to grow close to him once more. She could hear the frustration in his words as he too tried to gather his thoughts, mirroring the same emotion that took over the rest of the anger. What were they to each other? He wanted to possess her without taming her; he wanted her to be without a cage. But how can you own something -- someone -- and have them without anyone else? The pale woman had never been with just one man, she was unsure if she could ever give herself wholly to another. But this was the closest that she had ever gotten, and didn't know what more she could give him.

"I..." she started, only to fall quiet once more. Was there anything that she could say, after all of this? "I'm sorry..." Mercy whispered, the only thing that would leave her lips at the time. She was sorry about yelling at him, on accusing things that he had not done intentionally. For not knowing how to reply, or how to admit what she felt for him. For... everything and anything. It was hard for her to admit that she had been wrong, but it was even more difficult to formulate her emotions. Her ears pinned flat against her head, a long, heavy sigh leaving her lips. Where could they even go from here? What was the next step? Mercy had no idea, she was pretty much internally flailing. Unwilling to pull back, she just waited.

And did not go and shout it when you walked into the room, I think I love you (I think I love you)


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.